Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 1

My life is hard and easy. My life is fun and boring. My life is happy. My life is life. I came out of my mothers womb and was infected with ADHD. Thats what happens when you have a child young, because you have a child while you're a child. If I was born later, I wouldn't have this wonderful life I have with my young mom. I just hope she doesn't regret the decision of keeping me. She would have had an abortion, but once I developed in the womb, she already loved me so much. I am so grateful for my life. No one else has their mom to take care of their baby. My grandmother helps my mom. ADHD is attention deficit hyper disorder. I am lucky that its not bad. I can control it, so I always am a little hyper, but it can stop, and I might not always pay attention, but I force my self to stay still. Its hard. I never thought I would get older when I was younger, because it would be so long, but time goes faster than you think, and you don't even realize it. I think that I'm a one of a kind, since I understand so many things about adult situations, and especially since I have ADHD. One day, I am going to change so much, but everyday I wonder, when is that day?

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