Monday, November 22, 2010


UGH! Such a very bad day. Kinda funny, though. Caio first sat on my soda by accident then spilled his own. Crazy. Joey was hitting on me again, but he was just way too close to me. Raimi is...well...Raimi. Me and him are better than ever after our little fight. We are closer now. We went on our second date on Saturday to Johnny Rockets, then my house. He is really madly in love with me with what I se in his diary...I mean "journal". It's a diary. I'm just in a bad mood because I got detention. I'm sick for christ's sake! I have a FEVER! People just dont understand me. I am quiet and stuff, but i have another side too, just not a bad side. I am just always tired, shy, and sad...kinda. I am always frustrated with other people and I just feel...tired. I haven't got much sleep. I'm just so tired. I used to be filled with just am tired of typing. I WANT TO SLEEP! ZZZZZZzzzzzzz.........

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My first fight

I always say, "My first fight would be with a sixth grader..." and it really was. Well, i was actually assaulted. The police came and took her to juvenile. But the good thing is that now i have a boy friend now....Raimi Burg. Yup, my first boy friend and my first fight. I talked to the police today and missed some math and my mom is in the school now. She will be there for a while.

New Grade, New Post

I just started 7th grade two weeks ago This new grade in Global Technology Preparatory is so different from last year. Now we all use mac computers. It's just great, but there are some new students, but the same old foes. I'm not going to give names, but I just want everyone to know i don't like having enemies at all. I tried to work things out with my worst enemy, but enemies don't stop clinging that easy. Things just won't change just because you say "please". You're just gonna have to take it like who you are. Thats my advice to you.