Friday, May 6, 2011

Lola Star and Coney Island!

Omg! So happy from today! So much to talk about, so little space!
Well first, you know that store, Lola star that was on TV and has super funky stuff? I found the store! It's super cool! It has everything that's my style! I wanted everything in the store! So the store was all the way in Brooklyn, Coney Island on the boardwalk. My mom spotted it from all the pink and funky stuff! So to make this all short, I feel famous because now I'm on her site as a happy customer! AHHHHH! it's sooo cool!!!!!
Click happy customers!!
so then I went on a very scary ride. I have a pic on my FB - Tabitha Colon.
Then, I got food from nathans and some ice cream from dunkin donuts! I ate on the train back! I ate the yummy corn dog, fried chicken, and cheese fries! And a snickers-cookie dough- peanut butter sunday! YUM!  :d :p so check out the site and don't hesitate to go to coney island and pass by! I HAD SO MUCH FUN!

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