Monday, December 10, 2012

December - Not as expected

The best month of the year.
My favorite month of the year.

Is now the worst month of my entire life.

Sure, I turned 14 last week. What can I possibly complain about?


I spent my birthday at the emergency room for 6 hours due to some sort of asthma(?) attack I had.
I don't have asthma.

They told me I had a fever, cold and that I had asthma symptoms. I was wheezing a lot. And I just could barely breathe.

So I had a week off from school until I would get better.
On friday, things got worst.

I went to go get contacts, and I did, but they told me that my vision was worst, after only 6 months. And it's worst than my mom's. God willy I don't get blind by the time I'm 90.

On Friday, I lost someone that was close to me and that I loved. I have never lost someone so close.
"lost" as in the worst possible meaning of "lost".
 It's still unbelievable.

And yesterday, I found out a popular Spanish artist had passed also.

What is up with you, December?

The only thing keeping me going and not braking me down is the fact that my birthday was just last week and Christmas is coming up.

School is horrible, too.

I just want Christmas to come and get this month over with.

Oh, and 11 days until we all "die". (Referring to the supposed end of the world) ;)

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