Monday, December 19, 2011

6 days

By the time you guys read this, it will probably be in like 5 days, or maybe even on Christmas. Well, I wanted to say that Christmas is in 6 days, and I am more excited then I have ever been in my life...or this month maybe. Yes, that's better, because, thank god, I have been really happy. I have all A's, on the honor roll, I have all the things that I have been asking for on my birthday (skullcandy headphones, Gshock, laptop, and so on) and I know a lot of you will think, "oh, she is just spoiled", but I really am not. When you look at things a certain way, I have all these things, but you see, I am very excited because I am not used to getting everything I wanted, ever since the economy here in America went down. A lot of things are either from my dad, a friend that is just giving me something, or a present from my mom/grandmother. I am so greatful. I have been giving tithes to the church every sunday. I am not asking for anything further.

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