Saturday, August 11, 2018

I'm alive~!

Hey, its been a really long time since I've made a real post. The last post was a poem/song, and the last real post about my life was in 2016. I was 17 years old. It feels like another lifetime because of how much I've changed and how much I've forgotten about that time period. I have been connecting more with my childhood now more than ever. I have vivid memories of ages 2-10 years old. They keep popping up in my head and I can almost feel like I am back to that time when I think about it. They aren't all bad memories, some very good memories of music I liked and movies I watched that I've been revisiting lately. I've been re-watching a lot of movies I liked a long time ago and going through my hard drive full of photos and videos that date all the way back to 2011. Listening to music that I used to love, music that isn't even that good and aren't even in the genre of music i listen to now, but the nostalgia is why I listen to it. I've been researching old websites I used to go on to see if they are still up or if they've come back. Fantage is gone. Toontown is gone but I play Toontown Rewritten. 
I've been thinking about going anonymous on the internet, setting up a vpn and using tor to browse the internet, deleting all old profiles and keeping only facebook, twitter and instagram on my phone. But making my PC completely off the grid. I think that would be cool, but I should probably get a separate PC to do that because I'll have to get a different operating system and I wont be able to use it the same as I use my PC now. I'll probably do that with a laptop or something if I can. I just hate the idea that people can easily spy on my activity and there is little to no privacy on the internet. It's not like I plan to do anything harmful, I just think it'd be cool to have a completely off the grid computer. 
So, I have been in college the past 2 years BUT, since Feburary I basically dropped out. I didn't go to my last couple classes, which were in Feburary, I only went to like one class on the last day for the Final exam but I failed it anyway. I was registered in 3 classes and I passed 2 of them! I think. I kinda forgot. I'm pretty sure though. Maybe I passed only one actually. Anywho i passed english 103 so no more english classes! Which I actually am not excited about. English classes were some of my favorite classes because they were the easiest and I had the most fun in them. I love writing. Did you know I dont use shift to use caps lock? I just press caps lock twice and I have since I first started using computers. So all my life. I didn't know about the shift thing until middle school. And by then I was so used to just using caps lock I didn't wanna use shift. I am a very fast typer. Actually, brb, I'm gonna do a typing test.
the highest speed i got was 76 wpm! with little to no errors hehehe
Not as fast as I would have liked but I think that if i know what im writing like from my head then I can type a lot faster, I had to write without looking at the keyboard because I was reading what to write which led to some pauses and stuff.
Okay I'm done writing for tonight, I'm gonna do something. Resident Evil 4 professional is so annoying.

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