Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Youtube channel

i still have a youtube channel and i still upload to it

I recently uploaded a trailer for a sims 3 film based on war, including-
World War II (Germany vs Russia, Japan vs China, Japanese war crimes, the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor)
The Vietnam War
Afghanistan  (now)

its a big project, might submit it to SIFF spring 2014. Deadline is march something so i better hurry.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Half Life 2 Mod Project

Okay, so I am starting a serious committed game design project.
I plan on creating a mod for half life 2. It's not that hard. I already have Source SDK downloaded.

I then will get Maya (for creating models/furniture) and you know I'm not spending $6k on it ;D

I will so more research and get the programs I need, but first I am going to upgrade the hard drive on my laptop to 1tb instead of 750gb. It will give me 250 more gb that I will need. Then I'm going to upgrade my RAM to 16gb instead of 4gb. After all this I will be ready for game design.

I don't know what the game is going to be about yet. I still need to brainstorm. I have a group of friends that will help me out...but I cannot think of a good single player story line. This is hard. It would be easy to just make a horror game...but I don't play horror anymore and I don't associate myself with horror anymore.